All Together Now

Remote work before it was cool!

You should know I’m a big team player. When everyone is contributing ideas it always yields a great end result. Having worked in small startup settings, large studios, and with 5 years of experience working remotely as a contractor, I’m totally fine with owning a huge portion of a project. I will take the initiative and try to foresee issues and hurdles preemptively in order to work efficiently. This is one of those instances where taking initiative and being vocal beyond a typical “your job is to make this one screen” helped. Since this was an endeavor that was new for all of us, with a team of people who all respect and believe in each other, there’s more “yes, and” and less of that other thing detracts from innovative thinking. My visions were realized with the help of 3 amazingly talented engineers, working closely together to ensure the ideas that I had were able to be implemented before expanding too far along a particular vector. Working remotely utilizing a virtual office with the engineers and two founders, we were able to realize the vision the original founder intended, presented in the very best way possible.